The Death of the Title

on april 1-2-3 clübli will make a great exhibition.
this is what it will be like:


very important änderung:

ich hatte falsche daten geschrieben...!!!
geoffy hat mich netterweise darüber aufgeklärt:

du könntest vielleicht am 31. abends kommen und am 3. späten nachmittag zurück?
aber das wäre die maximalvariante. wenn dir lieber ist, könntest du auch am 2. ankommen,
entweder morgens oder frühen nachmittag und dann abends performen.
ich glaube den hauptauftritt im regenmantel hättest du am samstag abend!
the rest would be fun and preparation.
if you want to integrate us with you and yourself into us then setting up with us would be
otherwise feel free to come on april 2, afternoon and leave sunday 3 during the day.
sunday 3, i guess we'll do a kind of brunch with few spectators and then start to build
down toward the evening.

but i dont know about the exacter planning.
this is why i send this mail to all the clübli
so the others can check...

love and thx1000 macek

ps: to all: i bought a slotmachine today (einarmiger bandit)! the real thing. from tivoli!!! (or with
the aufschrift tivoli...) i will pick it up with alan next week, others feel free to join. we'll see how
funktionstüchtig it still is and can talk about if we take it on the budget or not... i anyway always
wanted to own one, its a childhood dream!! i want to use it for open source poetry: two wheels
will more or less turn on the same satz-teile and one will be variabel. z.b. I USED TO // VARIABEL // BUT IT JUST WASN'T ENOUGH
(to be varied, though...) - spectators could insert two francs and gamble their own poem for it.

xxxxx ich freue mich so!!!!

i wont participate in this exhibition before i know what
you meant by BRONG FACTS!!! :-)
there MUST be a deeper meaning to this
i can't imagine otherwise.
it sounds tooo expert not to be...

so tell me before you get gafferrred to a tree until april 1, 20.30h!!
(what do you mean, you wont be there until 20.30h? you mean,
you intended to be there on 1 april tagsüber but it just wasn't enough?)

mjammjam - mjam

brong is boring?
but does this mean you originally wanted to write:
so these are the 'boring facts'???

this must really have been the dinkel years, since
in the shinto period nothing will ever be boring again:
there's a spirit even in facts!
besides: shinto is so like - adhd!!!

so i see the clübli genealogy having moved through different periods so far
- a lot of them - and some even running parallelly like bloodlines do (another
broderie sentence: 'like bloodlines do') (not in order of appearance:)
- the manifesto meetings
- the bookbecoming phase
- the dinkel years
- the agitated stage
- the shinto period
- hiatus (drawing breath for responsibility)
- the film/reality insideoutswitch
- copying the copy shop
- the post title years
- after the art, featuring hans-ullrich obrist (coming up!)
did i forget anything?

ok ill take another anlauf for pink-guineapig-jewels

xx macek
Hey Clübli,

the great day, monday!
Kann vielleicht von euch eineR das xls drucken? Am besten 4 mal und schön gross zum lesen.
Dann mal so von Regieseite: das clübli ist ja immer schon soner ästhetik des punkrock und trash verpflichtet. das sollten wir auch in dem kontrollfilm nicht aufgeben. ich würde gerne so einen echtzeitdurchgang machen, wo wir im clüblistyle über den film gossipen. alle störgeräusche bleiben drinnen. und dann machen wir noch eine cleane version, wo wir ganz ernstbuschisch die Dialoge reenacten. das müssen wir nicht im 2 stunden durchlauf machen. wir sprechen einfach die dialoge und editen das ganze dann mastermässig mit garageband. efficiency clübli, ich sachs euch, es wird super. zwischentöne wären geil, so die mad decent signature trumpet, outcast samples etc. so if you have sound, bring along.

sonst eben: mikros, headphones und splitter...

küsschen - g

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Online seit 5540 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 4. Jun, 10:59


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