
Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

we need to share this with you

ngs at bissen from Clübli Désertseurs on Vimeo.

Clübli doing arts&cartography

Clübli recently gave a workshop at eth zurich discussing the possibilities of arts and cartography. This is what it was about:

The performative dimension of mapping

Vaughan, Laurene: Telling Place: narratives of an unknown city
Bissen, Matthew: A Personal Geography
Gill, Don: Erratic Space
Wood, Jeremy: Personal Cartography
Littman, Ariane: Re-thinking/ Re-creating a different Cartography

Personal and Collective Narratives

Mennis, Jeremy & Mason Michael: Cartographic Narratives and the Social and Geographic Experiences of Adolescent Substance Use
Russo Patrizia, Arzu Coltekin, Susan Thieme & Natalia Hedges: The migration story of a Kyrgyz family father - a mixed media approach
Cartwright, William: Narrative of a personal geography of warfare


Eisenhut, Antonia & Ruedi Haller: Cartography & Narratives: Proposal Atlas of the Swiss National Park
Mitchell, Peta & Jane Stadler: The Cultural Atlas of Australia: Mediated Spaces in Theatre, Film, and Literature

Mapping Fictions

Tuffery, Christophe: Archaeology of the geographical imaginary of Julien Gracq : the underside of maps of "Le rivage des Syrtes"
Reuschel, Anne-Kathrin: Mapping Fictional Routes
Piatti, Barbara: Dreams, Longings, Memories - Visualising the Dimension of Projected Spaces in Fiction
Ljungberg, Christina: Imaginary Spaces – Visualizing Time Travel in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
Joliveau Thierry, Mazagol Pierre-Olivier & Caquard Sébastien: Cinemaps, typologies and functions of maps in movies
Caquard, Sébastien: Mapping Narratives with the Geoweb

Geospatial Tools for Narratives

Hockenberry, Matthew: Made In Modernity: Narrating Cartographies of Production Straumann, Ralph: Flickr application
Simon Katrina: World/Map/Eye - I/Map/World
Skupin, André: A Pictorial Transect of the United States [in Attribute Space]
Watson, Chris: Hyper real and narrative maps

We then worked together with Andre Skupin, Din Gill, Matthew Hockenberry, and Azru Coltekin on how to turn their research into a film project. We will continue to work on that film.

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